Tree Slaughter

Rhonda Marrone
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readMay 2, 2018

Trees being slaughtered
Beautiful old souls
Cut to the ground
Pulverized to dust

A century of life
Erased in an hour
For a few dollars
To put up shopping malls

Is there no end
to the destruction,
of the oxygen givers,
air cleaners,
water scrubbers?

Log trucks
Roll West
Roll East
Pass each other
On the highway
Can’t they at least get the death rolling one way only?

Do the chainsaws run always?
And the chippers never stop?

Trees living for generations fall
Decades, centuries, old trunks thunder, crash to the ground
Then there is nothing left but a horrible echoing silence
Filling the ears
Where used to be
Rustling leaves
Nesting birds
Scurrying squirrels




Rhonda Marrone
Poets Unlimited

Poetry and Essay Writer. Be Open Editor. Lover of all things nature. You can most likely find me sitting under a tree ,watching birds, writing poems.