© Lee Bullitt, Boat to Tanger, 2017

Unknowable Space

Lee Bullitt
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readNov 16, 2017


I breathe in the scent of her neck and my
appetite for her reappears

Her dark hair behind her ear
recalls the blackest wave on a beach past midnight

It recalls going deep into myself
in the dark of my bedroom
as a young girl
for the first time

It recalls the many secrets we kept
Tossing our bodies together under our own endless black sky
Sometimes a crack of thunder, sometimes
the crash of my hand like waves and
you bite into me and the sky is still black.

It recalls the purple-blue swell of her thigh
when she asks me to take control and keep it

Control has a color, you and I know that.

It recalls the sensation of opening your eyes
in a windowless room
wondering why there is someone so close to you
knowing you are not in love and yet
they are still so close to you

Despite the pressure of our bodies
the way you break out in a sweat
I can feel a space between us.

Unknowable Space.



Lee Bullitt
Poets Unlimited

Writer & Visual Artist from New York, NY ~ Contributor for Poets Unlimited and P.S. I Love You ~ [All photos and words are by me] ~ www.hereisleebullitt.com