Walk Away

A poem

Elizabeth Pearson
Poets Unlimited
1 min readMay 10, 2019


Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

It’s time.
Time to let go, time to move on.
For far too long, I made you my everything.
My whole self depended on what you thought of me.
I’ve been waiting in a holding pattern for “What if?”
Every choice, every action, driven by, “Will this win him back?”
No one should have to work this hard for love.
It isn’t earned.
It should be freely given.

I surrender
knowing ..
believing ..
accepting ..

No word ..
no action ..
no look ..
no amount of growth
will change what already is.

But all of that work has been valuable.
The words
the actions
the looks
the growth
has all turned me into a woman you could never deserve.

Because it gave me the self worth to see I lost nothing after all.
I walk away now
better off having known you …
better off having said goodbye.



Elizabeth Pearson
Poets Unlimited

Hopeless romantic, confessional poet, dreamer. Curious about words.