War-cry For Help

Joe Young
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readSep 5, 2017

Trying to awake from slumber.
Tied down by chains painted in gold.
Gold teeth dig into the roof of my mouth.
Making it hard to speak.
I leave a nightmare where we requested a dream.
Swimming endlessly into the oblivion that my strength has created.

I am stronger than my peers, but they have all the power.

Wasting the atoms that the stars gave me to impress my brothers.

I am in need of guidance.

If not,

My son’s doom is painted by my mistakes.



Joe Young
Poets Unlimited

I’m Joe. A web developer who loves writing poetry about love, black empowerment, space, and video games. I post what I’m most proud of here. www.joetheready.com