We, all alone, seeking

Greg McCain
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readApr 28, 2016

I, alone
All, alone
We, all alone, seeking

Alone seeking another
I, meaning we, seeking to be
alone with another who is alone

Two together
is two alone together
seeking meaning

We seek meaning, meaning that
I alone seek meaning
but seek another who is alone
to find meaning

Two alone together
finding meaning in
what it means to be
together but needing
to be alone in order to
understand what
“we” means

Two alone together
finding meaning in
being together
but still being
altogether alone
ultimately alone
eternally alone

Alone before birth
alone in the womb
but tied umbilically to another
till birth rips us apart

Once again alone
seeking to be back together
till the moment of death

The intervening loneliness of life
is filled with seeking meaning
together with others
but ultimately alone

I alone in
understanding my meaning
You alone in
understanding yours

I, alone
All, alone
We, all alone, seeking



Greg McCain
Poets Unlimited

What you refuse to tear down eventually crumbles in on itself.