We are still human

Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readApr 1, 2018

I wonder,
How humans work?
How humans are?
And how to be a human?
Wrapped in air and gravity,
We have earth
On earth, we have mankind,
Residing in the ultimate societies
In each society, each culture
Walk several creatures
Each creature is named
Each creature is identified
Wrapped in miles and miles of skin
Is a heart, a soul, and a brain
Some compassion, some empathy, and some logics
But which of these is really human?
We work, day in and day out
Without thinking, but we are still human
We have almost lost empathy
But we are still human
Our energy, out enlightenment
Is on the verge of extinction
But we are still human
Are we? Aren’t we?
We are billions, and yet each one alone
We’re alone, but searching for something, anything
We create peace, we destroy it
We cry, we fight, we elude,
And we are still human
But are we? Aren’t we?



Poets Unlimited

"You think, I do not belong because you have not seen me in the mud. But, how can you see me when i am dirty, if i shower every night?"