well, do you?

beth buzz
Poets Unlimited
Published in
May 10, 2019

do you know how it feels to carry the world and be told you’re weak?

do you know how it feels to kill yourself for beauty and be told you’re untouchable?

do you know how it feels to be called a cunt
a Cunt

until the letters lose all meaning
and the sound buries itself like razor blades in your wrist?

do you know how it feels to be dubbed crazy by a madman?

do you know how it feels to be told joy dies in your presence?

do you know how it feels to walk in front of the same train
again and again and again?

to soothe and rescue and string together and paint over
and still be the wrecking ball?

to fly into a million pieces and hold them all together in one choking breath?

no, you don’t. but women do.



beth buzz
Poets Unlimited

just a worker bee stashing honey among the stone. poems are what happen when life squeezes too hard. +follow me to join the hive.