What I Meant

Michelle Zanoni
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readOct 17, 2016

The image floated

before me and I clawed

at it, but it just brushed past

my fingers

and since it escaped my grasp

I wrote the memory of that precise moment —

already clouded, dream-like,

a mere interpretation

seen through my lens

–nearsighted, with astigmatism

and the need

for age-related magnification.

My response to your query —

only what I saw and felt

and thought

but to explain

the meaning of it all?

I’m only human,

a mere recorder of the physical

combined with some (hopefully)

divine inspiration,

over which

I have no control.

I say “apple,” but you think “temptation”

and so, well,

you know.

