Naomi Firestone
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readMay 8, 2017


The Essence of Time

What time is it?
It’s time to go sailing!
Cut the lines
Unfurl the sails
Head south west toward paradise
Leave behind the blur of monotony
Unwind, simplify and forget the past
Bow pointing purposefully
Toward the horizon
Onward! To the great ball of fire
In all its majesty
It bids you a slow and majestic goodnight.
Painted skies
By the likes of Turner
Linger, change
Becoming more radiant
As the minutes pass by
Oh! unlike the second hand on a clock
That ceases to incessantly click
No, not in these consecutive,
Timeless, magical moments
They hold you in their warm embrace
The minutes
The hours
The days
Time is not of the essence
The essence is the all encompassing of time.
What is time?
It’s the sunrise!
Greeting you
As beautifully as it took its bow
It’s the navigating
Staying true to your course…to your heart.
FEEL the salty spray
BREATH the ocean air
Ride atop the playful waves
Break the power of time!
No more the ticktock of days passing
It’s time to be free
At peace,
It’s time to be at sea!

