
Nan Kené Arthur
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readFeb 25, 2017
Photo by Regine Bosch

When is it that women can stop shaving their legs to please others?

It’s certainly not 30 or 40, and it’s edgy at 50, but is 60 old enough to stop trying to live the image?

I look down at my own legs, hum?

How about under arms? Is there a litmus test for that?

An age, a milestone in a marriage, or is about being single?

Like clean underwear and emergencies?

How come men get to reach those milestones before women?

Unshaven beards, unwashed genitals and more…

Why do females accept freedom from rituals when it’s men, but not in ourselves?

Who wrote those rules?



Nan Kené Arthur
Poets Unlimited

Certified, professional dog trainer and behavior expert. Author of Chill Out Fido! How to Calm your Dog, phototropher, poet, wife and mom.