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When Someone Grows Old

Steve Frank
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readSep 6, 2019


When someone grows old,
you forget.
You forget who they are.
When they can’t do the things they did,
ㅤ they seem to become someone…


You grow accustomed to this new person.
To the things they can no longer do.
To the person they can no longer be.
To the odd new things they do.
The things that don’t seem to belong.
It’s as if they have changed at their core.
At their…


But, when they pass.
When you are forced to face their things.
Their stuff.
Their past.
You begin…


Remembering the things they did.
Remembering your lives together.
Remembering who they were.
After they are gone,
ㅤ you remember…
Who they were.
You remember their heart.
You remember who they…


to my mother Phyllis: August 14, 1935 to August 30, 2019



Steve Frank
Poets Unlimited

A programmer discovering himself in poetry…a lifetime preparing to write, now finally putting pen to paper. You’ll find me in my poetry.