Ranthambore National Park, 2010.

When You’re Hungry

Sanah Agrawal
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJun 28, 2016


His damp silhouette stretches languidly under the falling sun.

His eyes-

those insipid, brown puddles of my soul rove incessantly.

The satin of his skin-

versus the velvet of his lips,

Like molten lava leaving volcanoes of gooseflesh,

they are.

This is why You love him-

he loves you.

The animal inside of him

the Cannibal inside of you.

He is that aching emptiness that fills the infinite void clawing you from inside, out.

A bright sunny smile smothered on your face-

masks the treacherous thoughts weeping from your brain.

When he kisses you-

you think of the best way to stick your tongue down his throat and

eat his heart out.

