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You Free Me

Steve Frank
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readSep 26, 2019


You free me.
Free me to be myself.
For on my own,
ㅤ I am uncertain.
With another,
ㅤ I am uncertain.

But with you,
ㅤ I am able to be…


Though I am less than I could be…
Though I am less than I think I should be…


You free me.
Free me to be myself.
My true self.
The self I am meant to be.
The self I…


You free me.

Though I doubt,
ㅤ though I deny,
You insist.
Though I wrestle,
ㅤ though I run,
You persist.
You remind me…


Who I am.
And in the reminding,
ㅤ you encourage me.
In the insisting,
ㅤ you direct me.
In the persisting,
ㅤ you free me.

Free me from myself.
Free me to be me.
Enable me to be,
ㅤ to become,
The one true me.

ㅤ as we wrestle,
You free me.



Steve Frank
Poets Unlimited

A programmer discovering himself in poetry…a lifetime preparing to write, now finally putting pen to paper. You’ll find me in my poetry.