Lidar dust and smoke detection

Recently, I have developed a little interest in laser dust detection, so I used the existing radar to verify the detection idea. The detection range can be consistent with the scanning range of the radar, which is about 0–260m.

The verification process uses flour throwing, and the scenario is as follows:

The red box is where the dust is.

The top view is as follows:

The detection results are as follows, and the green range is the result automatically framed by the detection algorithm:

The video of the test results is as follows:

The advantage of using a laser is that it does not rely on the specific data of dust in each scene. It is universal. If the method of using images requires dust data to be collected on site every time. At present, the algorithm still has a problem of slow running speed, and too many points involved in the calculation lead to a long time.

If you have any questions or customized development requirements, you can contact me Email or WhatsApp :



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