PCL plane point cloud B-spline curve fitting

This C++ code utilizes the Point Cloud Library (PCL) to perform 2D curve fitting on a point cloud and visualize the results. The code includes several methods for fitting, including point distance minimization, tangent distance minimization, squared distance minimization, and their asymmetric counterparts.

**Main Function**:
— A `PointCloud` object `cloud` is created and loaded from a PCD file provided as a command-line argument.
— Command-line arguments are parsed to determine which fitting method to use.
— The point cloud is transformed to fit the default orientation expected by the curve fitting methods (xoy plane).
— The transformed point cloud is then converted to the required `vector_vec2d` format for fitting.
— An initial NURBS curve is created with a specified order and number of control points.
— Depending on the command-line arguments, a fitting object is created and solved for the best curve that fits the point cloud data.
— The fitted curve is visualized using the `VisualizeCurve` function.
— The viewer is set up with a size and a white background color.
— The original point cloud is visualized, and the fitted curve is displayed.
— The viewer runs in a loop, processing events and updating the visualization until it is stopped.



Point Cloud Python Matlab Cplusplus Lib

Familiar with point cloud data and image processing, interested in web3, take customization or consulting needs, enjoy work remotely, lonlonago@foxmail.com