Monitoring a Seed Stage SaaS Business

9 tactics for founders to monitor marketing, sales and customer success activities + 3 key profitability ratios … all presented in 45 slides

Louis Coppey
Point Nine Land
1 min readJul 20, 2018


About a year ago, I have had the occasion to run a workshop about “How to Monitor a SaaS business” for a bunch of seed stage SaaS companies in Paris. I shared the slides with the audience at the time but never shared it more broadly. As it’s summer time and things start to slow down, I thought it was a good time to share these… also hoping that it’ll help some SaaS entrepreneurs to implement some new monitoring tactics in order to start fresh after the summer.

These do not include any breakthrough ideas but they’re probably a good summary of what most of the SaaS experts (in particular Christoph, Michael J Skok or Tom Tunguz) have written over the past years for early-stage SaaS Startups.

The content is split in 4 parts with 3 concepts per part:

  1. 3 concepts to monitor Marketing
  2. 3 concepts to monitor Sales
  3. 3 concepts to monitor Customer Success
  4. 3 key profitability ratios

The presentation is quite long, don’t hesitate to jump directly into the part that’s most interesting to you!

The slides are hopefully self-explanatory. If they’re not, or if you’d like to chat, please feel to reach out. Enjoy the read!



Louis Coppey
Point Nine Land

VC @pointninecap, interested in / writing about VC, SaaS, and, Automation.