P9EUtour Is BREXIN — Bringing Our SaaS Meetup to London

Ricardo Sequerra Amram
Point Nine Land
Published in
4 min readOct 16, 2019

The #P9EUtour is coming to London

tl;dr — London, we’re totally BREXIN and we’re bringing to you our SaaS Meetup on November 13th featuring keynotes from founders and leaders from companies like Truelayer, Onfido, Unbabel, Rekki, Paddle, Screencloud and more!

The #P9EUTour continues

Since we kicked off our #P9EUTour in January we’ve been travelling throughout Europe on a mission to bring together the #p9family with founders and startup execs from local ecosystems for full days of discussions around specific topics.

So far this year, we held conversations about Talent and Marketplaces in Berlin and Warsaw, we discussed Internationalisation in Kiev and Bucharest and we gathered CTOs in Paris. We still have a couple more stops before the end of the year and on November 13th we’re bringing our SaaS Meetup to London. It will be the week after the Brexit vote so let’s see what Boris Johnson and the British parliament will have reserved for all of us! Our only hope is that we won’t have to change the name of our tour :/

Our first SaaS Meetup in London

Now seriously, Brexit jokes aside. The recipe for our SaaS Meetup is simple: We bring together the founders from the #p9family, local software entrepreneurs and startup execs as well as leaders from the wider European software ecosystem for a full day of conversations and knowledge sharing on building SaaS businesses from Europe to the world.

It’s now our 7th SaaS Meetup and we keep on doing them to make sure that the ones starting the companies that can come from anywhere get to meet from time to time to compare notes and exchange. We’re now lucky to foster the strongest community of like minded individuals building B2B software products in Europe. So we couldn’t be more excited to bring this community together in London for a day of peer learning and discussions. Brexit or Brexin, together we’ll do our part for the European tech ecosystem to s̶u̶r̶v̶i̶v̶e̶ exist.

The video below is a recap of the 5th edition in Potsdam, close to Berlin.

Point Nine ❤ London

Despite all the political turmoil and uncertainty, London (still) is the epicentre of the European tech ecosystem. Founders keep on starting and scaling their companies, investors keep on pouring money into the geography, talent keeps spilling over into tech from universities, research centres and the massive industries present across the city. The result? A breeding ground for multi-bn companies with global potential and ambition.

London is also the place where I spent the majority of my career in. A place where both myself and my colleague Julia called home before moving to Berlin and where we still spend a lot of our time (in fact, for a while many of you didn’t even realise either of us had ever left — it’s been on purpose :-)).

At Point Nine, we feel lucky to have built an awesome local portfolio since our investment in Revolut back in 2015. Since then we’ve added to the #p9family companies such as EnjoyHQ (fka NomNom where I shared a board with Christoph and Rodrigo for the first time), Juro, Screencloud and Rekki (the second board I shared with the P9 team). Plus, if you add Christoph’s “s̶t̶o̶n̶e̶-̶a̶g̶e̶” angel investments in Geckoboard, FreeAgent and Server Density you get a pretty strong local community!

We’re keen to do more in London, particularly as we’re seeing an increasing amount of very promising B2B SaaS companies stemming out of London to the world. Companies like Truelayer, Beamery, Tessian, Immersive Labs or Duffel (just to name a few) are all companies that we would’ve certainly loved to have backed (F̶O̶M̶O̶!̶).

We’re incredibly bullish in this next generation of London-based software entrepreneurs and we want to make sure we’re lucky enough to earn your trust in the years to come. So let’s start by bringing the band together on November 13th ;-)

The agenda for the event is starting to shape up nicely can find more information via the beautiful Playplay below:

We’re restricting the event to 100 people but have a handful of slots available for early stage entrepreneurs building software companies with global ambitions! Fill out this Typeform to get a seat!

We’re all looking forward to this!

Ricardo, Julia and the whole Point Nine Capital Team

