Updating the French Cloud Landscape

Your company is not on the landscape? It’s time to let us know.

Point Nine
Point Nine Land
2 min readMay 15, 2018



Two years ago we created a landscape listing more than 200 SaaS startups born in France. To our great pleasure this map was well received by the community and we have since received numerous requests to add more startups to this list.

We’ve decided to finally update it.

For whom?

In order to see your logo appear on the updated map you need to:

  • be a B2B cloud software companies (SaaS, API etc…) we don’t cover pure service or consultancy businesses.
  • have started your company in France (it’s ok if you have since moved your headquarters to the US).
  • have a running product and a landing page. There’s no requirement in terms of revenue.


If you fit this description you can submit your company on this Typeform (the deadline is June 1st):


We’re doing it now because SaaStr Europa is coming to Paris on June 14–16 and we want to give a push to the great french SaaS ecosystem.

The new landscape will be published on our blog in English and on Maddyness in French. We also plan to print some posters and distribute them during SaaStr Europa. So if you’re a 🇫🇷 SaaS company don’t miss this opportunity!

If you have any question please ping @louicop or @Clemnt on Twitter or leave a comment below.

