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Tomi McCluskey
Points Unknown
Published in
3 min readJun 21, 2024

In the vast digital landscape of Medium, where aspiring writers and seasoned professionals alike share their thoughts, I’ve been getting my feet wet. “Points Unknown,” has been my playground for solving and documenting OSINT challenges. Five challenges down, and I’m starting to feel pretty good about my progress.

I’m halfway through editing my next writeup, and the tech gods and goddesses decided I needed a time out. No big deal, I’ll get back on track tomorrow. So while tidying up my desktop before some extracurricular evening activities, I came across a Medium notification that raised an eyebrow: “VEEXH clapped for Points Unknown: A Learning OSINT Project.

Now, usually, a clap is just a clap. A digital pat on the back, if you will. But something about this particular applause made my OSINT spidey senses tingle. Call it intuition or just plain curiosity, but I decided to follow this thread.

VEEXH, it turns out, isn’t just any random reader. They’re an OSINT veteran, with a trail of insightful posts scattered across various Medium blogs like digital Easter eggs. And what’s more — they’ve recently pivoted from OSINT investigations to Offensive Security Tooling. This was no fellow noob finding their way.

A quick skim of their article titles was like opening a treasure chest of knowledge. My to-do list for tomorrow suddenly transformed into a reading list that would make any librarian proud. It was as if I’d stumbled upon a secret candy store of investigative knowledge.

This happy discovery reminded me of a valuable lesson I’d learned some time ago but had nearly forgotten: In the pursuit of knowledge, especially in a field you’re passionate about, don’t just focus on the main stage. Sometimes, the most valuable insights come from the bleachers.

It’s easy to get caught up in seeking out the big names, the popular authors, and the trending posts. But don’t neglect the comment section, the claps, the seemingly insignificant notifications. Sometimes, a single thumbs-up can be the key that unlocks a whole new world of resources and opportunities.

In the grand theatre of online learning, every audience member could be a potential mentor, collaborator, or source of inspiration. That random person who enjoyed your content? They might just be the expert whose work you’ll be studying tomorrow.

So, fellow digital explorers, here’s some unsolicited wisdom for the day: Treat every notification like a potential adventure. That little ‘ding’ on your phone could be the start of your next big breakthrough. In the world of OSINT, sometimes the most valuable intelligence comes from the most unexpected sources.

Remember, in the vast sea of information, sometimes the most interesting fish aren’t the ones you’re actively fishing for — they’re the ones that nibble at your bait when you least expect it.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a date with VEEXH’s article archive. Who knows what rabbit holes I’ll tumble down next? But that’s the beauty of this journey — every clap could be the start of a whole new chapter.

Stay curious, stay observant, and happy investigating, fellow OSINT adventurers!



Tomi McCluskey
Points Unknown

USMC Veteran, Tech Enthusiast, Life long Learner and Teacher, current curiosities: AI and the Future of Society, OSINT Research, Python, and Bird Watching.