Another Chance at a Free 10,000 Alaska Miles?

Jayce Loh
Published in
3 min readFeb 9, 2017

Remember back on January 10th when I wrote about how you could get 10,000 Alaska Miles as a welcome present if you were a Virgin Elevate Members before December 5th? Well, some people are reporting that they have created Virgin Elevate accounts after that date and have had the 10,000 Alaska Miles deposited into their accounts.

If this is true, this is amazing news and a great opportunity for you to register your friends and family for a shot at 10,000 AS miles.

How To Do It

It’s actually very easy. Just follow these instructions:

  1. Create an Alaska Mileage Plan Account if you don’t already have one. You can do so at
  2. Create a Virgin Elevate Account at [highlight color=”#eeee22" rounded=”no” class=”” id=””]Make sure that the information from both accounts match. Names, phone numbers, and dates of birth must match[/highlight]
  3. Log into your newly created Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan Account on the main page. This sets the cookie in your browser so that the next step works.
AS Login

4. Copy the following URL and paste it into the address bar of your browser. You’re going to make two small changes so pay attention. If you look closely at the URL, you will see two variables being passed in the text, fname and lname. Simply type in the first name from the account you just created in the fname field and the last name in the lname field.

Here is the raw URL:

Here’s how I would fill it out:

5. Once you paste the URL that has the first and last name in it, hit enter and you will be presented with the screen below:

Link AS to VX

6. Take the Virgin Elevate Account Number you created in Step 2 and paste it into the Elevate number field above. Then click Continue.

Now We Wait

With any luck, you may get 10,000 Alaska Points as a goodwill gesture like I did.

10K AS

It takes 2 minutes of time and a bit of luck but you could be rewarded with 10,000 Alaska miles.

Surefire Way of Getting 25,000 Alaska Miles for $15

If you are looking for a surefire way to collect Alaska Miles and don’t want to take a chance at being awarded the 10,000 mile goodwill gesture, you can sign up for Alaska Airline World Elite Mastercard from MBNA.

Normally the annual fee is $75 but if you sign up through Great Canadian Rebates, you will receive $60 cash back, making your annual fee a measly $15. For that annual fee, you received 25,000 Alaska miles which can get you some amazing redemptions.

Let me know in the comments below if you end up getting awarded the 10,000 AS mile goodwill gesture.

Hat tip to Matt of A Whistle and a Light for the URL trick to link accounts.

