Welcome to the New PointsNerd

Jayce Loh
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2017

As many of you have no doubt noticed, there’s been a big change with the look and feel of the PointsNerd website.

The reason for the change is that I felt the site was not beginner friendly. If I were a beginner and I was faced with 150+ posts and no discernable place to start, it might have been too daunting of a task to dive in. Hopefully, the change helps alleviate some of the information overload that some of you may be facing.

For those that are regular readers, not much will change except that you’ll have to click the Blog link to get to the meat of the information, but hopefully the layout is cleaner and easier to navigate.

You may also notice that the site is loading slowly … that’s because I have switched hosting platforms and it will take some time for the DNS’ around the world to update and correctly route traffic. I also need to work to clean up the site to streamline it as much as possible so it loads quickly. Don’t worry. I’m on it but I thought that a week of no content was getting to be a bit much.

I hope you enjoy the new format and the new site but feel free to leave me feedback in the comments below if there is anything you don’t like or if something is broken … I’ll also take any positive feedback as well :)


