Bridging Wisdom Gap between Elderly and Young

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3 min readMay 29, 2017

A book of knowledge is useless without the wisdom to know how to apply that knowledge.

Knowledge is understanding that a tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable.

Wisdom is knowing not to put a tomato in a fruit salad. ― Miles Kington

We all know the flow of information for this generation is very high and vast. So, how do we filter it? How do we manage it? How can we teach our kids to use the information correctly?

How can we do all these?

Well, we can not…

We can talk to them, explain them, or just let them take their own decision.

But first let’s ​understand what wisdom and knowledge are.

Wisdom“the ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting.”

Knowledge -“information gained through experience, reasoning, or acquaintance.”

We all have the knowledge and wisdom according to our age. But don’t we need help to understand the correct use of knowledge!

Remember how those wrinkled face has helped us in walking? Those dull eyes introduced us to the world? Forgot them?

They are the ones who introduced us to the world, gave us the power of knowledge by educating us but in return, what did we do, with all that knowledge? We experimented without consulting anybody and failed many times. Which is OK! we are not dumb.

We do have a lot of understanding but a little guidance will not do any harm.

Elders are the experienced ones, the wisdom they have has the power to change the world.

Elderly are the truest form of wisdom. They are precious storehouse of knowledge. Elderly are the truest form of wisdom, lived for a long time- from generations to generations. They teach us respect, perseverance, wisdom.

By Connecting with them, we grow. They have lived long enough to understand life well, been through the ups and downs of life. Being with them we learn how to face problems and can overcome it.

Elderly love to share.They deal with things differently. They teach us to look at things in a deeper level rather than just the overview of it.

Elderly helps us to see people as well as ourselves differently- in a good way. We learn our identity and discover who we really are by being with them. We become more self aware and wiser through all the things they teach and do.

Their experiences and lessons that they have learnt and gathered through the years, provide a better platform for us to follow and consider them as role models.

Since an individual is constantly shaped and influenced by the experience of life he goes through, it is very important that he gets the right experience and counselling by being with the diamonds and storehouse of wisdom and goodness- The elderly!

PointsOnly is a platform where one can gain the knowledge shared by the elders, the powerhouse of knowledge and wisdom. They will lead you to the correct path.



PointsOnly is a platform where people share their learning in pointers.