
Published in
3 min readJun 6, 2017

Recall the memories when your mother cooked for you during your exams, or when your little sister made Maggie for you, or when your wife cooked for you the first time.

As the old saying goes, food is the way to a man’s heart……well food is the way to everybody’s heart.We all love the food cooked by our mothers , sisters and spouses.But, have we ever cooked for them?

We love eating but for a change let’s love cooking for a while and make some dishes for our loved ones.

We know you also want to do something for them but have no idea about it.

We will help you here!

#MarvelousMothers- This one’s for you

RECIPE- https://www.pointsonly.com/topics/732/refreshing-mocktail-recipes--thandai

Thank you for preparing those amazing drinks to quench the heart’s thirst and the 5 minute quick snacks that keep us going throughout. We might have thanked you enough but we continued same relationship. So now, we’ll try to give you a piece of the cake that you have been fetching us, just in a modified version.

In order to do that, Let’s collaborate our mutual feelings and cook! Yes! You heard it right, they have comforted us too much now it’s time for us to do something.

Do you remember when you used to play out in summer and on reaching home we see our moms waiting with a nimbu paani or jaljeera.

Now we are going to make a fresh refreshing drink for our dear mommies to give her a little relief from the work she does in such a humid temperature.



If your siblings have not yet told you that you are adopted then probably you are…

Siblings are said to be our first friends. They really get us into trouble sometimes. But have also saved our lives from our parents many times. Sometimes we feel like killing them. Don’t you agree? We all have a sibling memory. Like going school together, playing in the park, stealing food from the fridge when mom is asleep. They have supported us in the thick and the thin. I agree, most of us even have stolen candies from their cupboard or had their share of ice cream while they were asleep. But can you blame us? Then, what are siblings for? This relationship is the most uncertain relationships of all times. Its sweet, sour, spicy but definitely yummy.

So let the donkey has its day today! Let’s make them feel how lifeless our lives are without them! Let’s cook for them!



Dates, cafes, long drives so many ways to show our love. With the facilities and options we have the romance in our lives is redefined. But the happiness that we get small things are unmatchable.

We all have different ways to expressing our love, some express through the handmade cards, flowers ,some through an elegant setup and some with a date.

Pretty sure your wife sacrificed her sleep at night because she was waiting for you to turn up.

In the case you are unmarried, you should know that your girlfriend waits for your one message every night before she could dive in the blissful sleep. We can’t blame her, she is the person you fell in love with. The least we can do is fetch her a small part of your time and she’ll pamper you, care for you and will make you feel special.

This time, let’s do something more than some time with her. Let’s cook for her! Let’s give her back something more this time after all, that’s what she has been doing.




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