10 Reasons Why Some People Have Estranged Themselves from Their Family Members

Saurabh Suman
Poise & Perspective
2 min readJan 5, 2023


Family relationships can be complex and challenging, and sometimes people may decide to estrange themselves from certain family members due to a variety of reasons. In this article, we explore some of the common factors that can lead to estrangement within a family.

  1. Physical abuse: Many people have left their families due to experiencing physical abuse at the hands of a family member. This can include hitting, punching, and other forms of violence.
  2. Emotional abuse: Some people have decided to distance themselves from their family due to ongoing emotional abuse, such as manipulation, gaslighting, and verbal abuse.
  3. Financial abuse: This can take many forms, such as stealing money from a family member or ruining their financial stability through fraudulent activities.
  4. Neglect of children: In some cases, family members may have neglected their children or allowed them to be put in unsafe situations, leading to a rift in the family.
  5. Boundary violations: When family members repeatedly violate personal boundaries, it can lead to a breakdown in the relationship.
  6. Narcissism and manipulation: Some people have left their families due to narcissistic behavior and manipulation on the part of a family member.
  7. Theft: Stealing from a family member, whether it’s money or sentimental items, can be a major point of contention in a relationship.
  8. Intimidation and threatening behavior: If a family member consistently threatens or intimidates others, it can create an unhealthy dynamic and lead to feelings of fear and anxiety. In extreme cases, this type of behavior can even rise to the level of domestic violence, leading to the need for estrangement to protect one’s own safety.
  9. Lack of support or assistance: When a family member fails to provide support or assistance during times of need, it can lead to feelings of resentment and a desire to distance oneself from the family.
  10. Slander and spreading false information: When a family member spreads false information or rumors about another family member, it can cause serious damage to relationships and lead to estrangement.

It’s important to note that these are just a few examples of the many reasons why people may choose to distance themselves from their family members. It’s never easy to make the decision to cut ties with someone you are related to, but sometimes it is necessary for the well-being and happiness of all involved. If you are struggling with a toxic or unhealthy family dynamic, it may be helpful to seek support from a trusted friend, therapist, or support group.



Saurabh Suman
Poise & Perspective

I delve into the complexities of relationships, self care, and mental health with grace and thoughtfulness, empowering others to live their best lives.