The Most Absurd Things People Spend Their Money On: From Health Hazards to Pyramid Schemes

Saurabh Suman
Poise & Perspective
2 min readJan 10, 2023

Welcome to the ultimate list of the most absurd things people spend their hard-earned cash on! We’ve broken down these questionable purchases into three categories for your reading pleasure.

Health and Wellness

These are the purchases that are not just a waste of money, but also bad for our health and well-being.

  • Cigarettes: It’s 2023, and yet people are still lighting up and damaging their health. We get it, smoking is addictive, but c’mon, at least consider investing in some nicotine gum or patches instead.
  • Bottled water (when there is good tap water available): Come on, it’s time to ditch the plastic and save the planet (and your wallet).
  • Essential oils and “healing” crystals: Don’t get us wrong, we love a good spa day as much as the next person, but shelling out big bucks for a crystal that supposedly has “healing energy” is a bit much. Just stick to a soothing bubble bath and save your money.

Entertainment and Leisure

These are the purchases that might bring us short-term pleasure, but in the end, they might not be worth it.

  • In-game cosmetics: Spending real money on virtual clothes and accessories for your online avatar? Yeah, no thanks. Save your cash for something more worthwhile, like actual clothes for your human body.
  • Gambling: It may provide temporary enjoyment, but it can also have negative long-term consequences if not approached responsibly.
  • Paying for porn: There are plenty of other (free) ways to satisfy your desires.

Scams and Pyramid Schemes

These are the purchases that are not just a waste of money but also potentially harmful to us.

  • MLMs (multi-level marketing companies) like Amway: We get it, you want to make a quick buck and become a millionaire, but let’s be real, the only people getting rich off of these schemes are the top dogs. Save yourself the frustration and just stick to a regular 9–5 job.
  • “As seen on TV” products: Do you really think that tiny gadget is going to revolutionize your life and make all of your problems disappear? Spoiler alert: it probably won’t.
  • Scam bracelets and “powers”: Always do your research and be cautious of any purchase that seems too good to be true.

We hope this list has convinced you to think twice before making any questionable purchases. Remember, your money is valuable, so spend it wisely!



Saurabh Suman
Poise & Perspective

I delve into the complexities of relationships, self care, and mental health with grace and thoughtfulness, empowering others to live their best lives.