The Joyful Path to Poker …

Nicke Johansson
Poker Articles Blog
2 min readMay 7, 2024

Play When You Feel Like It!

Poker is more than just a game of skill; it’s an experience meant to be enjoyed. Whether you’re a casual player or a seasoned pro, embracing the fun element of the game is crucial for peak performance and overall satisfaction.

Imagine this: you’re sitting at the table, cards in hand, ready to dive into a session. But wait, are you truly in the right mindset? Before you shuffle those chips and take a peak at the cards, take a moment to check in with yourself. Are you feeling frustrated, fatigued, or angry? If so, hitting the pause button might just save you a stack of chips.

It’s simple psychology: you perform best when you’re happy. So, if negative emotions start creeping in, don’t hesitate to step away. Poker isn’t going anywhere; there’s always another hand to be dealt tomorrow.

Image created by Midjourney AI.

Here’s a pro tip to gauge your readiness: envision going all-in and losing your entire stack on the very first hand. If the mere thought of that possibility doesn’t faze you, it’s a good indicator that you’re mentally prepared for a marathon session. However, if the idea feels unbearable, it might be wise to reconsider your playing plans.

Remember, poker is a game of strategy, intuition, and yes, enjoyment. By playing when you’re in the right frame of mind, you not only increase your chances of success but also ensure a more fulfilling experience at the felt. So, the next time you’re contemplating a session, ask yourself: do I feel like it? If the answer is a resounding yes, ante up and embrace the joyous journey of poker.

If you feel that you really want to be somewhere else, then you probably shouldn’t be sitting at the poker table.

Shuffle up and deal!

