Things To Do (or Consider) Before Turning Poker Pro

Nicke Johansson
Poker Articles Blog
3 min readMay 9, 2024

Just as Odysseus navigated the perilous seas on his lengthy journey home, so too must a poker player commence on a meticulous journey before becoming a professional. It’s not just about knowing how to play the game; it’s about mastering your mind, refining your skills, and preparing yourself financially. Imagine having a study plan, tracking your stats, and even specializing in a particular poker variant. But that’s not all, there’s a lot more to contemplate. Want to discover the whole story? Well, let’s delve into the nitty-gritty of it.

Study Plan for Continued Development

In order to stay on top of your poker game and consistently outperform your competition, it’s essential to craft a thorough and dedicated study plan that constantly pushes your understanding and strategic abilities to the next level.

It’s not just about knowing the rules; it’s about analyzing games, identifying patterns, and adapting strategies.

Continual learning and adjusting is the key to staying afloat in the professional poker world.

A young poker pro? (Image by Midjourney)

Specialization in Poker Variants

Choosing the appropriate poker variant to specialize in can greatly impact your profitability and overall success in the game. It’s not about being a jack-of-all-trades, but mastering one that fits your style.

I’ve found specializing allows for deeper strategic understanding and refined skills. Yet, it’s important to maintain a broad knowledge of other variants for flexibility. Specialization is a strategic move that can boost your professional poker career.

Track Your Stats

Keeping meticulous track of your poker stats isn’t just an option, it’s an essential requirement for any aspiring professional player.

I’ve found that monitoring my hands, hours, and profit or loss reveals vital insights into my performance. It helps me understand which stakes and games yield the best returns, and guarantees that I’m truly profitable, a critical factor before turning pro.

Stay focused in adversity

Poker’s roller coaster ride of wins and losses can challenge your mental fortitude, making it essential to stay focused during adversity. As a seasoned player, I’ve learned that maintaining composure in the face of setbacks is vital.

It’s about strategic persistence: I analyze my losses, learn from them, and adjust my strategies accordingly. Remember, every adversity is a lesson in disguise, and mastering this mindset can turn the tides in your favor.

Poker is your new job!

As we’ve already established the importance of maintaining composure and focus during setbacks, let’s now shift our attention to another vital aspect of your poker career: treating poker as your new job.

It’s not just a game anymore. It demands dedication, discipline, and a professional mindset.

You’ll need to meticulously track your progress, manage your bankroll, and invest time in honing your skills.

It’s a job, and must be treated accordingly.

Author: Nicke Johansson

