The Design Challenges and Technology Behind Pokit

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2 min readNov 22, 2017

Pokit is a simple, versatile and cost effective measuring tool. But the version of Pokit you see today wasn’t created overnight — it is the result of a year of hard work and innovative thinking that has successfully overcome a number design challenges.

The challenge of a single connection

One key feature of Pokit, which contrasts it with other measuring tools, is its minimalist design. Conventional multimeters have a number of ports on the front and require different lead connection to measure voltage and various current ranges. Users are constantly having to unplug and replug connected leads.

But our designers wanted to find a way to use only two fixed retractable leads. This meant that they had to design a highly versatile analogue circuit that could perform a wide-range of measurements from one set of connections.

Not just a multimeter

Add to this the ability to not only measure key values, but also be to capture and store waveforms with wireless connectivity, and the results is a highly integrated and innovative circuit design.

Off the grid

Pokit also needed to be small, ultra-low power and low-cost. This meant finding a way to create a versatile and effective tool that could run off a single replaceable Lithium cell and run for a year.

Touch user interface

Much like mobile phones have evolved from having lots of buttons to just one, Pokit has been created to be simple and intuitive to use. The Pokit app provides a touch user interface that is easy to work with and a pleasure to use. Simply pinch and drag to zoom and pan waveforms. After using Pokit you’ll wonder why you ever needed all those knobs and why all test equipment wasn’t designed this way.

Apps updates

Since Pokit’s functions are built on an app, new functions can be added through app upgrades. Over time pokit’s capabilities will expand to include new capabilities and modules making it an even more powerful tool.

What makes Pokit so innovative

The use of apps to customise Pokit for different applications is one of the many things that make this a truly innovative tool… and the evolution is only just starting.

Pokit APIs are open source, which means you can create your own applications and share them with others. This means that over time, Pokit is sure to become of the most supported and versatile tools possible. The possibilities are now as unbounded as your imagination!

Pokit is coming to Kickstarter this November. Register here to receive updates and notification on launch. Don’t not miss out on the 43% discounted limited early bird specials!




Pokit is the world’s smallest wireless multimeter and DSO. Here you’ll find interesting posts about tech.