Storm is gathering…

Polar Tropics
1 min readJun 29, 2020


There is a storm brewing slowly
Every day it brings swirls of dust..

It doesn't stay
Today it left behind dried leaves, twigs and a mound of dust

Early morning, I sweep my veranda
Every evening it's a mess again

Day by day, the storm is getting stronger
It's no longer possible to sweep the mess

I pour a bucket of water to wash away the muck

They say the storm is traveling
It'll soon leave us

It's been 37 years
It hasn't left yet

It's much less frequent now
It has lost most of its power

But every once in a while, it roars and comes with a renewed energy
Destroying every thing in its path

I no longer hide in a bunker
I watch it from the glass window
I wait for it until it passes

Then I clean it again
Storm and I have learned to coexist…



Polar Tropics

I love meaningful conversations over a cup of coffee. I write to share my experiences and thoughts. Living life for a few laughs, good food and love.