That’s how you were born girl!

Polar Tropics
1 min readNov 22, 2019


If she cooks, she is docile

If she doesn’t, she is a rebel

She parties with her friends, she is loose

The one who comes home after work always, she is a bore

You do this, you do that

You do it all or you don’t give a damn

You will always be labelled and judged

You’ll be forced to feel guilty

Step back and shrug off all these labels

Look inside and find yourself

Peel away each frame one by one

The one given by your parents

The one gifted by friends

The one that is holding you tight…

Who are you?

What do you want?

What are your likes? What are your dislikes?

Do you remember girl?

Once upon a time, you were you…

That’s how you were born



Polar Tropics

I love meaningful conversations over a cup of coffee. I write to share my experiences and thoughts. Living life for a few laughs, good food and love.