True story of domestic violence

Polar Tropics
2 min readFeb 4, 2020


She was burning, her flesh engulfed in flames, from head to toe

People could hear her screams miles away

Her pain was unimaginable

She was yelling… save me, help me

People ran for buckets of water and poured on her

After what seemed like an eternity, she fell unconscious

She was still breathing when they reached the hospital,

Doctors said she was 85% burned with 3rd degree burns

She woke up, screaming in pain,

Pain killer meds and injections were not enough to douse it

Her head was in her mother’s lap and she was sobbing and saying I don’t want to die, please save me, save me for my children

They asked her how it happened, she admitted that she had poured oil on herself and lit on fire by her own hand

She couldn’t take the constant bickering by her husband,

the beatings and the humiliation had reached her saturation point.

But she didn’t want to die, she just wanted to scare him… Show him what she could do.

He was sitting near her feet crying too. Her mother was crying too, the whole family was shattered…

She lived in pain for 9 days before she took her last breath.

Were her parents unaware of her misery before she took the extreme step? The neighbors never heard her cries for help when that bastard of a husband was punching her in the gut, kicking with his shoes.

No one heard the sounds. Nobody questioned the swollen face and the visible bruises.

They all turned a blind eye thinking they have enough problems of their own.



Polar Tropics

I love meaningful conversations over a cup of coffee. I write to share my experiences and thoughts. Living life for a few laughs, good food and love.