Rainn Wilson Wants to Play Lex Luther in the DCEU

Drew Powers
Published in
3 min readSep 16, 2017

If you didn’t know, The Office’s Rainn Wilson is the genius behind everyone’s favorite beet-farming martial arts enthusiast (expert) Dwight Schrute. The show ran for 9 seasons, and with a role as iconic as Wilson’s, it can be hard to be seen by audiences as anyone else.

The actor seems determined to break in to new roles, however. At Comic-Con this year, a new trailer for Star Trek: Discovery dropped that showcased Wilson in character as Harry Mudd, a known criminal of many colors in the Star Trek universe, and he looks great.

In a recent interview with ComicBook, Wilson expressed that he wouldn’t say no to taking his talents even further. Specifically to the level of Superman’s super villain nemesis. He said:

“Maybe if there’s a chance to do Luther. Of course they cast that guy who’s 27 years old to do Lex Luthor. It didn’t make much sense to me. I guess if they wanted to go back to an older Lex Luthor, that would be a fun part.”

The 27-year-old Wilson is referring to is Jesse Eisenberg, who played Lex Luther in 2016’s Batman V Superman. Rainn didn’t hold back other opinions on the current state of the DCEU either. He also said:

“I still think DC has not quite figured out Superman. That’s too bad. I didn’t love the last Superman as much of as other people did, but I think Henry Cavill is pretty great, I haven’t quite figured that out. It doesn’t have the kind of humor and … It’s not the Dark Knight. Superman is not that. It’s got to be something fun with bright colors and outlandish characters.”

Maybe one day, we could see Wilson bring an outlandish, bright character in to the DCEU. That’s certainly something I’d love to see.

Just in case you thought the actor was biased towards DC, he also expressed interest in joining forces with Marvel (which probably fits more with the tone he’s looking for). He said of working with the studio:

“…My phone has not been ringing off the hook with the office from the Marvel universe, but I would absolutely love to do something, a villain or an interesting character in one of those films.”

He also made known his excitement for the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok and support of its director Taika Waititi during the interview.

What comic book character would you want to see Rainn Wilson play? Let us know in the comments or over on our Twitter.

Original story at polarcapstudios.com

