Litecash is now listed & trading on Polarity.Exchange

Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2021

We are pleased to announce that Litecash is now supported on Polarity.Exchange. Starting today, Polarity customers can now buy, sell or store Litecash.

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Litecash is now listed on Polarity.Exchange
Litecash Logo


“Litecash is an extremely efficient privacy coin with lightning-fast transfer speeds and extremely low transferring costs. Running on the mimblewimble protocol, Litecash became a top privacy coin for its utility for everyday transactions for e-commerce and b2b and p2p functionality. Litecash (CASH) perfectly solves current issues that most projects encounter by being able to truly imitate fiat cash but in a fast-paced digital world. Litecash offers scalability with its max supply of 722.7 million coins while also achieving inflation resistance creating the perfect balance to make CASH an everyday usable coin. Created in 2019 as the very first fork off the BEAM network, Litecash took on a different direction to become a fair launched coin with no pre-mine and no dev fee’s while becoming community driven to allow for complete and total fairness within the network.

Mobility was also a huge milestone to achieve while being a privacy coin, coupled with finely polished GUI wallets via desktop and mobile, making Litecash more efficient and user friendly. Furthermore, Litecash is asic resistant with its coin only specific hashing algorithm to combat 51% attacks on the network that other projects have suffered from. Litecash also assures no lost coins while transferring, when litecash is sent to a defunct wallet or an incorrect address the coins are simply sent back to the sender, this is critically important for safety and protection of your hard-earned CASH.

Since its very recent launch, Litecash has come a very long way in product development as well as marketing and coin awareness. This includes wallet creation and updates, exchange listings, e-commerce integrations and plugin generation via WooCommerce, community involvement, merchandise creation, influencer endorsements, and much more. With more in the pipeline to be worked on in the very near future, Litecash is primed for success in the privacy coin and overall cryptocurrency space as time progresses and the technology evolves. Litecash is the perfect coin to be the absolute replacement for fiat cash and looks to do so, CASH is King.”

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LiteCash — Cash at the Speed of Lite

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