
Reflecting Life At The Airport

Shyamashree Acharya
Polaroids Of Humanity


Photo by Marco López on Unsplash

Today I was going home after twelve days in India.
Today my teenager called on my phone telling me she missed me, tugging at my heart strings.
Today my youngest asked me if she could sleep in my bed because it smelled of me.
Today I hugged my parents many times before I went inside the airport.
Today my father-in-law gave me a side hug and blessed me.
Today my husband called me to say that his only good fortune in life is me.
Today my heart felt oddly overwhelmed.

Today all the flights are delayed.
Today airport officials are being mobbed by angry tired passengers.
Today an egoistic ass screamed at an air hostess as if she made the flight delays.
Today I went up to the air hostess and said that he is the dumb stupid, not she as he claimed.

Today I was impressed by the two Starbucks baristas who manned the crowd with smiles and jokes.
Today biriyani was free-flowing in the airport as the airlines tried to pacify hungry travellers.

Author's pic of the queue for Biriyani at the Airport

Today I sat and observed people around me in the airport.
Today I saw the harassed mom trying to get her cranky toddler to nap.
Today I watched how people littered.
Today I observed an elderly gentleman in his perfect suit pick up these random litters to throw in the trash can.
Today I overheard a couple fight in whispers.
Today I smiled as the woman behind me kept cuddling her young son who was in on the joke. Their laughter was infectious.
Today I met a friend from school at the airport after twenty-six years and I decided we both have grown past petty school fights.
Today I realized I understand many languages of India, but I also understand the unsaid ones.

Author's pic of the clouds from the airplane window

Today I smiled as I sat in my seat watching through the airplane window.
Today I looked through pictures of my sisters and I who made most out of an hour that we found for ourselves.
Today I was filled with love reading my best friend's messages who couldn't meet me but every day was with me through her texts.

Today I again contemplated the same thought that I always nurse while returning from home to go home.
Where do I belong?



Shyamashree Acharya
Polaroids Of Humanity

Navigating life as storyteller - telling stories with vulnerability, honesty and with a pinch of humor.