Noted: UX for blockchain

Natalie Colburn
Published in
1 min readJan 19, 2018

By now, everyone and their mother has heard about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and the steep rise in popularity of cryptocurrency. But what less people are talking about is the technology behind it all: blockchain.

If you’re not familiar, here’s a video from Wired that gives a quick explanation in plain English.

So, what does this have to do with UX design?

The Harvard Business Review stated last year that “the blockchain will do to the financial system what the internet did to media.” The reality is that this technology is growing, but with its own unique pain-points, designing a great user experience will become essential to its adoption.

But how? For starters, take a look at this insightful article written by the UX Team Lead at Prototypr. It walks you through the specific challenges and opportunities to anticipate when designing an experience for blockchain technology.

As a UX designer in the Fintech industry, I’m excited to see how the experience for using blockchain technology will evolve in the coming years. Here’s to the future!

