DAFI Protocol Nitro Car Reveal!

Polinate Games & Guilds

Polinate Hive
4 min readDec 29, 2021


Polinate is expanding the horizon of possibilities for Polinate members every day. We are super excited to reveal the DAFI Protocol Nitro Car to the hive today. We are hosting a raise for the DAFI Car in association with our wonderful allies at DAFI Protocol and Nitro League. Polinate is working with Nitro League and DAFI Protocol on an upcoming Nitro League vehicle racing game for the metaverse. For this, Polinate’s Games and Guilts are granting access to pre-sales of the game as well as the DAFI vehicle.

DAFI Protocol Nitro Car is DAFI Protocol x Polinate X Nitro League automobile for the Nitro League Metaverse. The DAFI car is a perfect combination of elegant style and high-end technology. Made especially for the community of DAFInauts and the resilient racers. DAFI Protocol Nitro Car is an eminent racing automobile is an absolute go-to pick as it is an ideal choice for street racing. This vehicle delivers rapid acceleration and peak speed for those crucial moments in the Nitro racing arena.

The vehicle is programmed to be resilient, quick, and reactive. It features a long, lightweight body that gives it a powerful and fashionable aspect. The gentle curves and dynamic new design of the automobile make it a stylish and modern car. While racing, the DAFI car gives the operator maximum control and comfort. The ingenious architecture allows the automobile to handle tricky bends and rapid turns with ease.

DAFI car, built to be flawless, is not just a car it is a status symbol. If the smell of Nitro is in the air, or there is an electric blue streak zooming in the distance, you know you’re in DAFInaut territory. A machine that can only be tamed by the DAFInauts. The DAFInauts are a force on the streets; are you one of them!

When you purchase a vehicle, you are purchasing not just a beautiful collector object, but also a priceless piece of art and a digital asset that can be utilised in a number of games and platforms across the Metaverse.

The game’s in-game assets are held by the user rather than the game’s publisher, which is the heart of the play-to-earn concept. Polinate users can now acquire game assets before the game is launched! This will provide them with access to the Nitro League gaming field. Moreover, the participating members will also get a head start in developing their crypto assets and gaming NFTs. When the game is published, gamers will be able to take these customised vehicles to the arena. Learn more about how to get your hands on the vehicles by clicking here.

Getting the asset in the pre-sales is indeed advantageous. The final price of the assets transaction on the Polinate platform during the pre-sale will be the initial listing price when the assets are offered on a marketplace. Moreover, the traders can get in early and benefit from the future asset price.

Visit here to take advantage of this offer and acquire this automobile.

About DAFI Protocol

DAFI reinvents how every decentralized network is rewarded. By creating synthetics pegged to different decentralized networks, every blockchain and cryptocurrency can create a dToken flavor to reward their early users while enhancing scarcity when demand is low.

Our mechanism rewards a network even when demand declines by issuing synthetics that will reward users later — instead of earlier. This approach will change the foundation of all staking, liquidity, and even social reward systems for the entire decentralized world.

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About Polinate

Polinate is a next-generation crowdfunding platform designed to discover, launch and empower creatives globally in a permissionless way. We give creators their break to get funded by connecting creative projects, investors, fans and patrons.

We are building the backbone of a new global creator economy. It doesn’t matter where you are from, social status, banked or unbanked. If you add value, you benefit. Come and join our Hive!

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