Faez Alidoosti: Cartoonist, Animator & Illustrator

Polinate Hive
Published in
5 min readJan 25, 2022

Faez Alidoosti, the founder of Alfazed Studio.ca, is a Toronto-based 2D animation artist and cartoonist. He began to share his visuals and media experiments with others who shared his interests all around the world. He has worked as an animator, designer, and storyboard artist in the North American animation business, since 2007. Faez graduated from George Brown College illustration and cartooning programme. His award-winning cartoons have been shown at international cartoon festivals in Europe, Asia, and South America.

It was early on in his teenage years that, he realized he wanted to be an animator. For Faez the inspiration to be an animator came from the media. Faez adds, “When I was 13 years old, I watched a short animated film by Fyodor Khitruk. The name of the animated short was “island” this short animation had a very strong message and was very provoking, which made me think about it for a very long time. After that moment I knew I wanted to be a cartoonist and animator”.

Faez believes life is about good moral conduct and is motivated by human compassion. He narrates an incident that left a lasting imprint on his personal ethics. Faez added, “I remember, once I was watching Olympic Athletics on TV. There was a moment when a marathon runner gave up his own race to help an injured competitor. It was then that I learnt life is not a competition but a fair play.”

Breathing life into animated work is a difficult undertaking. To be able to create an animation, one must possess or develop the ability to be highly attentive. Of course, paying enough attention to detail works in the artist’s favour and is vital. The same is true for paying attention to movement and activity in everyday life while creating animations. Faez indeed has the gift of being able to recognize and analyse his surroundings. When Polinate asked him, “What is the concept behind what you do?” Faez explained, “Shapes, I love to play with them and turn them into interesting compositions. Either geometric or organic ones. Simply I look at my surrounding world and interpret things through simple and interesting shapes. The next step is to figure how to create a story out of those shapes.”

Faez’s artworks are creative modes of self-expression. Telling us about his work that he most identifies with work so far, he adds, “My drawings. Because they are very personal and expressive and far away from any commission or job for me. Even by doing that, I am not looking for applause or any reaction from the audience. In other words, I feel completely free when I am drawing so they have my own signature and style”. Faez has a particular aesthetic that can be seen in many of his works. His pieces, particularly the freestyle faces and other sketches, have a unique craftiness to them. His freestyle caricatures are highly captivating to onlookers, as the artist and exaggerated features make a lasting impression on the viewer. Having developed a signature style is the trademark of a seasoned artist.

Faez points out, artists must get a practical knowledge of the worldwide art market. When we asked him If he could change one thing in the trajectory of his life so far, what would it be? He explains, “I would pay a little more attention to the rules of business. To see how the market works and what do I need to know about marketing as an artist.” With the integration of blockchain technology into the art world, the market is shifting ever more rapidly. Because the world’s art market is growing and evolving at an unprecedented rate, it’s more essential than ever for artists and creators to understand the industry. That is what we are doing here at Polinate, empowering creatives around the globe.

Faez’s artwork focuses on reaching out to the viewers on an emotional level. His work, which is largely centred on the connection via expression, accomplishes exactly what he wants. Telling us about his future projects, he said he would continue to bring a smile to our faces with his craft. He adds, “I do not have a specific project to mention, but generally, my mission is, in whatever I do I want to bring joy, happiness and smile to my audiences.”

Being an artist, Faez values public input and appreciates the opportunity he gets; such as, to meet other artists and exchange ideas. Faez hopes his artwork would also encourage others to pursue their own artistic interests. He expressed his gratitude and appreciates the support he has received. He stated, “I am grateful for having a supportive family, kind friends and being able to do what I love to do.”

Artists working in a domain for an extensive amount of time gain a variety of experiences, including not just creativity, but also business and work ethics. Working in the art industry for 15 years has given Faez the ability to swiftly navigate the art world. Faez is one of the best candidates to enlighten our creatives with the knowledge that he has acquired over the years. Here’s what he has to say: “I would say to them that although art is a sweet path to follow, it is a bumpy road and it takes patience and perseverance if you want to pick the fruit of accomplishment. The key is, to keep moving. Slowly, but steadily.”

Artist’s collection: Link

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