Polinate Is Joining Forces With IncubateX

Polinate Hive
Published in
3 min readMay 25, 2022

Polinate is thrilled to announce yet another exciting new collaboration. This time, we’re teaming up with the incredible IncubateX. It is the very first women-led incubator project on web3, paving the way for projects that make a positive impact in real life.

Our newest allies are committed to backing innovative and ambitious ideas. Innovative projects like no-fuel-needed engines, 3D printed housing, indigenous language preservation, and more. IncubateX offers a multitude of services to projects that are incubated through them. Marketing, branding, technological development, legal advice, strategic partnerships, and tokenomics are among the services offered.

Polinate is a crowdfunding platform for creators, game developers, and guilds. By acting as a bridge between projects and the crypto community, we enable a permissionless way to fundraise. With this partnership, projects raised via Polinate will be able to access IncubateX’s aid to reach their full potential. Likewise, the projects incubating via IncubateX will have an option to fundraise on the Polinate platform.

We, at Polinate, accommodate the demands of crypto ventures. Creators may utilise the Polinate platform to raise funding for their projects. As a result of this collaboration, projects will be able to receive professional counselling for their efforts from IncubateX. This Polinate-IncubateX combination will give an optimum solution for the projects.

IncubateX focuses on those projects whose completion would add value to the communities in which they operate. These initiatives might be scientific, humanitarian, or anything in between. IncubateX provides three key benefits for these ventures; consulting service, platform and exposure.

Polinate is thrilled to be collaborating with the IncubateX team and looks forward to continuing to provide outstanding projects to our community. This collaboration will make it easier for the polinate community to make use of the excellent offerings available. This will provide opportunities for creatives and increase their project’s ability to withstand the test of time. We are excited to see what wonderful inventions this cooperation will produce.

Massy Almubidin, Co-Founder & Strategic Director said,

“We are so excited to offer the Polinate community pre-access to join our unique ecosystem! We are gamifying incredible industries such as manufacturing robotics & renewable energy through mission-driven web3 projects. This exciting partnership between IncubateX & Polinate is critical as it marks the beginning of a truly impactful wave; together we can utilize the power of the collective to reinvent how we interact with this world.”

About IncubateX
IncubateX is the 1st women-led incubator & NFT launchpad on web3. They specialize in helping innovative projects incorporate web3 infrastructure -mainly NFTs- within their ecosystems while focusing solely on mission-driven projects that make a positive impact on IRL.

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About Polinate
Polinate is a next-generation crowdfunding platform designed to empower creatives, games and guilds. We provide creators, games and guilds with an opportunity to raise funds for their projects in a permissionless way. We serve as a bridge between the projects and the cryptocurrency community.

We are building the backbone of the new play-to-earn gaming industry and the metaverse. It doesn’t matter where you are from, social status, banked or unbanked. If you add value, you benefit.

Build your Guild. Grow your Game.

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