Polinate Launches Its DAO!

Polinate Hive
Published in
3 min readApr 21, 2022

Be part of the change!

Polinate is proud to announce the launch of Polinate decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), a first-of-its-kind organisation for games and guild crowdfunding platform. We are decentralising the governance and decision making of our organisation by creating a blockchain-based voting system where members will be able to vote on the future direction of Polinate. This launch is a big step in the creation of our worldwide and decentralised crowdfunding platform.

What does it mean to become a part of Polinate DAO?

You will be able to access Snapshot, a popular a tool for decentralized organizations and a place where project proposals can be created for people to vote.

The DAO will have the freedom to empower creators through collaboration. We believe that you will add value to the Gamefi boom. In order to achieve this mission, we chose to put the power in your hands. So we have decided that it is only fair that we let you determine what happens next for Polinate.

How to become a part of Polinate DAO?

Staking on Social Hive Portal

Members staking through our staking portal will have the benefits of voting and creating proposals depending on the tier membership. Read More

Only Platinum and Diamond Tiers will have access to create proposals through Snapsot for various projects, including featuring games and guilds project raises, even creative direction, etc.

All social hive members will have voting rights to approve projects. Voting weight will depend on the membership tier.

Bronze 1,000 $POLI = 1 vote

Silver 2,500 $POLI = 2.5 votes

Gold 5,000 $POLI= 5 votes

Platinum 10,000 $POLI= 10 votes

Diamond 25,000 $POLI = 25 votes

$POLI tokens can be purchased in https://www.gate.io/

Social Hive Staking Portal: https://socialhive.polinate.io/

Holding $POLI token

If you are holding $POLI in your MetaMask wallet and NOT staking then you can still vote on DAO proposals however your votes will weigh less by 10x.

This means you will need to hold:

10,000 $Poli = 1 vote

25,000 $Poli = 2.5 votes

50,000 $Poli = 5 votes

100,000 $Poli = 10 votes

250,000 $Poli = 25 votes

A minimum of 10,000 $POLI is required in your MetaMask wallet to create a proposal.

NOTE: If you are staking AND holding $Poli in your wallet then you can combine your voting power in the DAO.

$POLI tokens can be purchased in https://www.gate.io/

About Polinate

Polinate is a next-generation crowdfunding platform designed to empower creatives, games and guilds. We provide creators, games and guilds with an opportunity to raise funds for their projects in a permissionless way. We serve as a bridge between the projects and the cryptocurrency community.

We are the backbone of the new play-to-earn gaming industry and the metaverse. It doesn’t matter where you are from, social status, banked or unbanked. If you add value, you benefit.

Come and join our Hive!

🐝 Make sure you only use & trust Polinate’s official links:

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