Polis Project Weekly Updates (01/08 to 01/14)

Polis Chain
Polis Ecosystem
Published in
5 min readJan 15, 2020

Polis Core

A new version of Polis Core is in the works, v1.6.0. This version will address some issues that we found in the previous release, and will also introduce:

— Long Living Masternode Quorums (LLMQ): is a deterministic subset of the global deterministic masternode list. The main task of an LLMQ is to perform threshold signing of consensus related messages.

— ChainLocks: a technology for near-instant confirmation of blocks and finding near-instant consensus on the longest valid/accepted chain.

— Proof-of-service ban for masternodes (PoSe): masternodes that fail PoSe verification will then be removed from the correct masternode subset.

This version is realizing its final tests and will be released shortly.

Polis Core: guidelines and resources

You can now go check out the Polis Guidelines and Resources by going to the Polis Website.

  1. Head to the website https://polispay.org
  2. Go to Individuals > Guide, or via this link: https://github.com/ricgby/polis-guides-resources

Some articles are still being written but will be available shortly!

Polis Core website: branding guidelines

You can now go check out the Polis Core Branding Guidelines by going to the Polis Website.

  1. Head to the website https://polispay.org
  2. Go to Individuals > Branding Guidelines, or via this link:



The team has been working on the next PolisPay release, v8.2.1. This release will address some issues that we found in the previous versions and introduce the long-awaited dark mode, alongside some minor bug fixes.

Due to some unmet App Store guidelines regarding in-app purchases, gift cards will be temporarily disabled only on the iOS version until further notice. The team is currently evaluating and working on different possibilities to bring back this feature to the platform, which we will provide an update about this situation next week.

‪This update was released with the following release notes:

— Fixes an issue where some modals appeared transparent.‬ ‪

— Fixed light mode displaying the wrong colors.‬

Download link:

Partnership announcement

We are glad to announce the inclusion of Divi to the PolisPay payment platform.

Divi has focused on providing one of the most secure, easiest and simple ways to start earning crypto by allowing users to deploy a masternode, using the MOCCI (Masternode One-Click Cloud Installer) or No-click staking, offering users a quick way to start earning staking rewards, both of these ways requiring little-to-no technical know-how. We have found great potential in the PolisPay project, and we believe this breakthrough will have a profound impact on Divi users and the whole crypto community.

Read more about the announcement here:

PolisPay: epay card showcase

We love to see our community members share their experience with our products, that is why we decided to share every week on Medium and Twitter the posts of our community using our products, whether that is the gift cards or any of the cards.
If you have a Twitter account, feel free to post the image, tag us, and write #PolisPayShowcase.
On Discord, post your images at the #showcase channel.

This week, community member Hans recently used the epay card to buy some stuff at Home Depot! See what he posted:

Want to join the fun? Order the card here.

If you would like to know more about the epay, head to this post:

PolisPay: UnionPay cards

Regarding the PolisPay cards, there are some updates with the on-going process we would like to share:

— The UnionPay cards have arrived at our office.

— We are waiting on some documents for the API.

PolisPay mock design — Not the final product.

Olympus Protocol

The Olympus protocol was born when the Polis Core team realized the necessity of innovating on the blockchain technology field. The protocol inherits the fundamentals of the Bitcoin, Dash, and PeerCoin protocols, with some minor improvements.

With a new base code, the Olympus protocol seeks to give the development team the opportunity of innovating on uncharted aspects of the blockchain technology.

Significant progress has been made regarding the Olympus network, the Olympus testnet is 60%, and we will soon begin testing on the pre-alpha testnet. Once we launch the testnet, we will release the technical paper.

Community Management and Outreach

Polis Core

Recently, community members, Hans and Frank had a live Zoom webinar, if you missed it you could go check it out here:



PolisPay user Frank has created a way to easily access information about PolisPay by just scanning this QR code. Check it out:

Check out this video posted by Melchionda Network! Link:

We recently published an article about the Proof-of-stake vs. Proof-of-work debate, you can read more about it here:

We want to remind you that you can follow us on the following Social Media Networks:

We’re deeply grateful for all your support from our community and our partner’s communities, and we want to thank you for reading. Together we are strong, and we will strive just as we’ve done before to give you all the best!



Polis Chain
Polis Ecosystem

Polis Chain is a fast, secure, and extensible blockchain that allows people to easily integrate cryptocurrencies into day to day interactions.