Issue 35 — August 9–22 2020

Richard Red
Politeia Digest
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2020

Treasury balance: 628,536 DCR (approx +12,500 DCR/month) — $12.9 million (+$256k/month) based on $20.53 DCR price

Proposals open for voting

Design domain budgets: 08.20–02.21

Published Aug 11 by linnutee | 20 comments

Voting figures as of writing: 6,174 Yes votes, 491 No votes (92.6% Yes) — voter participation of 16%.

This proposal requests budgets for three design subdomains covering the next six months, in a formalization of the current arrangements between the Decred Treasury and contractors working in the design domain.

  • UI/UX budget of $35,000 covers all of the software repositories with graphical components (Politeia, Decrediton, Mobile, CMS and dcrweb).
  • Identity budget of $16,000 covers new staking onboarding graphics and motion assets, key visuals and illustrations, and DCR identity assets.
  • Visual Comms budget of $14,000 covers support with requests for design assets to be used with releases etc., renders for the Decred Journal and Politeia Digest, presentation assets, and contributor portraits.

The proposal notes that the requested budgets are set higher than the burn rate for the last 6 months, if there is surplus in the budget this may be used to fund new design contributors. The proposal includes an overview of the contributors. EETER.CO has worked on most of Decred’s design efforts since the project launched and is involved in all three subdomains. Corporate contractor b42 also works on many of the UI/UX projects, with @morphy as an additional independent contractor in this subdomain. The other contractors working on the other two subdomains are @kyle and @lustosa.

Comments on the proposal are positive, about the past work of the design contractors and the contents of the present proposal. @bee provided 6 comments worth of thoughtful questions, ranging from design vision and strategy to decentralized archiving of the assets produced in the design domain.

Approved proposals

Moderation of Decred Communications

Published 25 Jul by bee | edited 28 Jul | 31 comments (+3)

Final voting figures: 8,727 Yes votes, 3,283 No votes (73% Yes) — voter participation of 29%.

Rejected proposals

A practical marketing opportunity — Massively boost the use case for DCR

Published 29 Jul by travelwithben | 15 comments (+4)

Final voting figures: 1,428 Yes votes, 8,320 No votes (15% Yes) — voter participation of 24%.

Other News

Two proposals were abandoned:

  • The proposal for marketing activities by @fst_nml was abandoned after administrators refused to allow voting to take place. The proposal was first edited to clarify that the $10,000 budget specified in the proposal was to be paid in advance to the proposal owner. This was deemed at odds with Decred’s contractor model of billing for work as it is completed.
  • The proposal to produce social media memes for 10 DCR/meme was abandoned in response to community feedback.

There are two further proposals which are still under discussion and received one comment each in the last two weeks: Augmented Reality posters and Decred Poker Series.

A “rules reminder” has been suggested for the proposal submission page which would point out common problems (budget denominated in DCR, request for payment in advance of delivery, no actionable plan) as well as linking to the proposal guidelines.

About this issue

Snapshot of Politeia data for this issue is based on this commit.

Content for this edition was authored by @richardred with fixes from @bee.

Image credit: @sænder



Richard Red
Politeia Digest

Writing about cryptocurrency/blockchain projects that are doing something interesting with regard to governance. Decred contributor.