
Political Arenas
Political Arenas
Published in
1 min readFeb 27, 2017

Dear friends of Political Arenas!

You are welcome to this new and amazing place of international debate.

Here, you will find both exciting subjects of reflection and the possibility to express yourself.

Our aim is to forge a collective intelligence by publically opposing thoughts and researches about multiple societal issues.

In these arenas of debate, you can read and write about politics, economics and history.

You can also debate and share your opinion and your experiences of science, sport, culture or any theme that would interest you. You would be very welcome to use the medium of your choice (articles, remarks, photos or videos) and share your references.

Building this global agora, we look forward to reading and answering your contributions from all around the world, whatever your national and social origins, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions.

To make this space possible, we would ask you to respect the dignity of persons and the equal right to speech. Then, to facilitate this global citizen discussion, we would also ask you to write at least in English, and in your/another language if you want.

Do not be afraid of your level in language, nobody will judge you!



Political Arenas
Political Arenas

Dear friends of Political Arenas! You are welcome to this new and amazing place of international debate.