Write for PCN!

Francisco M. Gómez
Political column net
1 min readApr 7, 2020

Politicalcolumn.net features blogposts about current British and world affairs.

If you’re interested in writing your opinion on the site, send a message by following and contacting the site editor through Twitter here.

For your post to be published it is required to provide a written article of your opinion about social affairs and at least one photograph/info-graphic to be shared in social media with your title. Posts should contain 500–1000 words although this isn’t a set-in-stone rule. You can use external links to promote your site or organisation as long as it is relevant to the article and its content is deemed appropriate for the site.

As an independent publisher, Political column net has a duty to its readers. Content deemed not appropriate for the site may not be approved for publishing.

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Francisco M. Gómez
Political column net

Spanish vet surgeon with home in Britain. Opinion blogs in a personal capacity only.