
Probably not in Lebanon, debates have had a history in the political communication process. Debates’ importance lie in presenting for the people different view points of different politicians. The one who wins in a debate is the one who is able to persuade people more than the other. However, exceptions do exist. For example, debates between Clinton and Trump had shown Clinton as the better persuader. This did not mean that she won the elections. This is an example of how debates, although important, do not reflect who wins the election but rather only reflect who persuades better.

Being the best debater means one has specific characteristics. Debate is not only about presenting rational ideas and viewpoints and listening to the opponent but also involves other factors. Those factors include for example body language. The person presenting should be able to express his logical ideas not only through words but also through his body. No matter how important one’s talk is, if he or she fails to look confident enough he or she will lose. For example, if one is shaking through the entire speech then he will most probably lose his chance in persuading listeners. On the other hand and as another example, the tone of voice, the pitch, and the frequency also play a role in determining how persuasive one is. People tend to believe the voice more than the actual words. If one says he is happy but his voice do not sound as such than one is not believed to be happy.

In whole, debate is an important factor in all fields. It does not only depend on what one has to say but also, on how one presents.

