Political communication: the key to continuity in societies

political communication is the role of communication in the political process. It can take variety of forms (formal and informal) and through different mediums (mediated and unmediated content). This includes the production of messages by political actors and the transmission of these messages through direct and indirect channels.

Political communication is a process that includes political actors and organizations, media and citizens. Public organization includes non- party actors that are divided in to three types which are: trade unions, consumer groups and professional association. While, in media or public relation, there are media and information management tactics designated to ensure that the political parties receive enough publicity. It can be done in two ways: first is proactive devices such as party’s conferences in which attract positive media coverage, news conferences that permit political parties to set up certain agendas…etc. the other way is Reactive political public relation technique, in which parties strive for damage limitation including lobbing of journalists. Moreover, the main component in political communication is audience or citizens; as we know the main purpose of is to persuade, so without audience no any political message can have any impact or relevance.

Furthermore, marketing process is very important in any political communication process, un which it influences the way the politicians communicate to citizens; in another word, marketing is the science of influencing mass behavior in the competitive situations. Within political marketing, there is political advertising which is form of political communication uses media in order to differentiate political products (such as parties and candidates) and to give them meaning for the consumer (voters) in a crowded marketplace. Therefore, these help in communicating in persuasive way through advertising.

