Source: Mike Wilson @craftyoldgit on Twitter.

Collected Parody Tweets

J. Bradley Chen
Political Engineering


The recent chaos on Twitter demonstrates a point I’ve been arguing in this blog, that major online platforms should support voluntary strong verification of legal identity, with proper modeling both of humans and non-human legal entities. I have also argued for the importance of archiving. For the benefit of posterity, this article provides an archive of parody tweets I have seen in the past few days. These examples demonstrate the consequences of a lack of competence in identity verification, inadequate user interface support for transparent identity, and weak public awareness of the importance of transparent identity.

In case you care about the boring parts, here are some relevant blog posts.


Note: This is not parody. I believe both of these are from official accounts.

Warning: Some may find the following examples offensive.

A related archives on Twitter:

Some relevant press coverage:



J. Bradley Chen
Political Engineering

Exploring American politics from the view of an engineer.