GILabs Policy Note: Improving Political Representation in Democracy

~ A research project by Governance Innovation Labs

Ginia Chatterjee
Political Representation
2 min readJul 8, 2024



Enhancing political representation requires reforms in how candidates are selected, how they communicate with voters, and how new candidates are encouraged to participate. This Policy Note recommended by GILabs explores practical recommendations to improve democratic representation through four main strategies: Choose, Know, Be, and Match the Candidate.


Internal Party Selection and Public Involvement

  • Limited Participation: Traditional internal party processes can exclude broader party membership and the general public.
  • Bias and Elitism: Elite control over candidate selection may not reflect the electorate’s diversity.

Transparency and Candidate Information

  • Inadequate Disclosure: Insufficient information about candidates’ backgrounds and ideologies hinders informed voting.

Encouraging New Candidates

  • Complex Entry Process: The process for new candidates to enter politics is often complicated and inaccessible.
  • Lack of Support: Aspiring candidates, especially from marginalized groups, lack adequate training and political toolkit.

Voter-Candidate Alignment

  • Ideological Mismatch: Voters struggle to find candidates who align with their personal ideologies.


  1. Choose the Candidates

Objective: Democratize the candidate selection process.

  • Internal Party Selection: Engage grassroots members in voting on shortlisted candidates.
  • Public Polling: Implement public nominations and polling to choose party candidates.
  • Media-Facilitated Voting: Use media platforms to boost public participation in candidate selection.
  • NGO-Facilitated Voting: Leverage NGOs’ public trust to conduct fair and transparent voting.

2. Know the Candidate

Objective: Enhance transparency and encourage informed voting.

  • Comprehensive Candidate Profiles: Mandate the Election Commission to release unbiased introduction videos covering candidates’ personal and political backgrounds.
  • Ideological Disclosure: Ensure candidates publicly declare their ideologies and prioritized issues.
  • Unbiased Media Coverage: Promote fair and balanced media coverage of all candidates.

3. Be the Candidate

Objective: Encourage participation of enthusiastic individuals in politics.

  • Simplify Entry Process: Create user-friendly online platforms for candidate registration.
  • Support and Training: Provide training programs and financial support for new candidates.
  • Direct Candidate Pitching: Enable candidates to present themselves authentically through various media.

4. Match the Candidate

Objective: Align voter ideologies with candidates and parties.

  • Public Ideological Statements: Ensure candidates clearly state their ideologies and prioritized issues.
  • Digital Engagement Platforms: Develop apps and websites for voters to compare and match their ideologies with those of the candidates.


The recommendations outlined in this Policy Note aim to democratize candidate selection, enhance transparency, and improve overall political representation. By implementing these strategies, we can build a more inclusive and participatory democratic system.

