Identifying Ideal Election Candidates

~A research project by Governance Innovation Labs

Ginia Chatterjee
Political Representation
2 min readJun 26, 2024


According to a study of ICPSR, voters judge candidates by their personal characteristics such as the experience, honesty, morality, compassion, competence, and leadership ability of the candidates. Based on research by Miller and Shanks(1996), voters form images of the personal qualities and abilities of the candidates, and these influence the vote. Perception of candidates depends on the following characteristics:

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  1. Personal Attributes and Competence:
  • Integrity and Honesty: Voters prioritize candidates who exhibit honesty and integrity, as these traits build trust and credibility.
  • Competence: Knowledge and expertise in relevant areas, along with a track record of competence, are highly valued by voters. Voters are hardly likely to vote for someone whom they feel lacks the experience and ability to handle the job of president.
  • Leadership Skills: Effective leadership and the ability to inspire people are crucial for an ideal candidate.

2. Alignment with Public Ideologies:

  • Party Affiliation: Voters often use party affiliation as a shortcut to assess a candidate’s stance on key issues. An ideal candidate consistently demonstrates a commitment to the party’s principles, enhancing voter trust and reliability.

3. Communication Skills:

  • Clarity and Persuasiveness: The ability to clearly communicate ideas and persuade the electorate is a significant factor in a candidate’s appeal. Demonstrating empathy and understanding voter concerns can strengthen a candidate’s connection with the public.

4. Strategic Quality:

Candidate quality is critical for competitive elections. The study by W.J.Stone, he redefines candidate quality by introducing strategic dimension along with personal characteristics. Strategic quality encompasses the skills and resources necessary for an effective campaign, such as prior office-holding experience. The research suggests that strategic quality is crucial to gain recognition and compete effectively.

