EU publishes mini-deal on offer to no-deal UK

Political Risk
Published in
2 min readDec 24, 2020

Summary: Continued air, freight, fisheries and bus travel between EU and UK is subject to UK agreeing to the same level-playing field provisions UK is resisting in the main negotiation.

Gibraltar excluded from this no deal mini-deal offered by EU.

EU has just published as draft legislation (“Communication”) the four elements of the mini-deal it’s offering 🇬🇧 in the event of no main deal before Jan 1st.

It’s basically a bare bones mini-deal, provided the UK agrees to similar “level-playing field” provisions it’s resisting in the main talks on the main deal.

Smart move by the EU.

Extreme Brexiteers have been betting for four years that they could troll the EU into offering good “no deal” terms.

Now we have these terms.

Security cooperation is not included in the EU’s bare 🦴 offer.

If UK resists respecting level-playing field stuff in this bare 🦴 mini-deal, aeroplanes will stop flying.

Can the UK 🇬🇧 govt goad the population into resisting the terms of either this mini-deal now clearly on offer or the actual deal on offer, even if it means the island is cut-off in all areas apart from these four limited areas (fishing, bus, freight and air transport)?

I doubt it.

Documents available via EU:



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