The F(r)iction of the “Remoaner” Identity Politics

Political Risk
Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2021

Let’s survey the fields of Waterloo after the Brexiteers’ Pyrrhic victory:

M&S, Sainsbury’s, et al. have withdrawn 1000s of product lines.

Parcel firms’ refusing to deal with UK customers.

Students unable to study in European Union 🇪🇺 universities.

Scottish 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 shell-fish producers’ goods rotting in lorries.

English 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 truck drivers being fined £300 for not having a “Kent Access Permit”; &

10000+ different ways “we” are learning why being in the Single Market (including the Customs’ 🛃 Union) was a Good Thing.

Brexiteers tried to turn Brexit into a question of identity to conceal how Brexit was impractical according to their own values of “free trade” and market orientated solutions.

Now the lack of manufacturing capacity in the UK means oodles of everyday products with 🇪🇺 ingredients attract tariffs.

The UK economy’s greatest strength in services (which aren’t covered by the so-called “free trade” deal with the EU) is directly related to one of the main sources of post-Brexit friction: tariffs on manufactured products with non-EU ingredients sold inside the UK.

Brexiteers “succeeded” in pulling the wool over their own and others eyes for four years.

Now the true extent of their “victory” is becoming clear we can expect the trolling to continue shrilly as they try to convince themselves and the rest of us of the benefits of Brexit.

But, you can’t eat identity.

Pro-Brexit campaigners began promoting the fictional identity of “Remainer” / “Remoaner” vs “Leaver.”

This 😈 / canard 🦆 divided people into Us vs Them groups that identified their selves/personalities/identities with one side or the other.

Emotion then divided & distracted us from the sheer purposelessness of arguing that you want free trade, while erecting 1m barriers to it.

Now, the fiction of being able to have our 🎂 (frictionless lives) while eating it (leaving the SM) is clear even to tribal brexiteers.


Ich Bin Ein Dubliner, rather than…



Political Risk

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